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Perfect Nanny Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
Average User Rating:
(based on 0 reviews)

Category: UK Babysitting Websites
Website: http://www.perfectnanny.co.uk

Our Review Costs & Features User Reviews

Perfect Nanny Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Volume of Registered Users:
Quality & Content of Ads/Listings: N/A
Ease of Use / Navigation:
Ease of Joining / Registration:
Customer Support:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

Perfect Nanny is a London nanny agency and is one of the three agencies included in this category.  They offer a competitive package of childcare services for every childcare need.  Perfect Nanny's unique selling points are their dedication to hiring quality staff, their care in security measures and pride in a good reputation.  Each candidate is thoroughly assessed and their references are checked with their previous employers.  Identity and CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checks are also carried out from their countries of origin.  All candidates are required to have at least three years' experience.

Parents using the service will be handled by an experienced consultant who will consider their concerns and wishes carefully.  Perfect Nanny are the only nanny agency to deliver in-house childcare training delivered by highly experienced health and childcare professionals to ensure nannies have up-to-date knowledge of legislation, child development and age-appropriate activities.  Perfect Nanny claim to have a 12 hour turn-around from consultation to placing a nanny.  They have access to a child psychology service based in Harley Street to help address any needs your child might have.  Also, unique to Perfect Nanny, is Nanny Club, a London group where nannies can meet with Childcare Professionals and Psychologists to get advice on any questions they may have.

There is no babysitting service offered as such, but if you contact the agency they will be able to provide a free consultation to see if they can help.  It depends on the nature of your childcare needs, but there are no casual staff appointments made here.  Temporary nannies are available, but mostly the agency deals with nanny services.  Check the homepage to see if your local area is covered.  Perfect Nanny provides services for London, parts of the UK and Europe as well as further afield.  Perfect Nanny is accredited by Best Bear and recommended by the Association of Nanny Agencies (ANA) and the Good Nanny Agency Guide.

The agency was established by Natasha McKie, who has 22 years of experience working as a nanny and now is a mother and nanny employer herself, so knows the work from both sides.  This product is in the upper scale of services provided in this category, compared with the ad listings websites and the cost reflects this.  With a minimum spend of £900 for placing a nanny, this gives you an idea of the level of commitment involved.  The agency is geared towards people looking for a well qualified permanent member of household staff and is based on the principle that London is the best place in the world for quality childcare.  They also offer a while range of household staff, including housekeepers, butlers and chefs. 

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