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Au Pair Net 24 Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
Average User Rating:
(based on 0 reviews)

Category: UK Babysitting Websites
Website: http://www.aupairnet24.com

Our Review Costs & Features User Reviews

Au Pair Net 24 Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Volume of Registered Users:
Quality & Content of Ads/Listings:
Ease of Use / Navigation:
Ease of Joining / Registration:
Customer Support:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

AuPairNet24.com is a platform of care and support services belonging to the German-owned company, Besser Betreut, that owns Betreut.de. The company has been around since 2007 and AuPairNet24 was set up to cater for the au pair marketplace.  The concept of AuPairNet24 is simple: you sign up for free, create an advert if you are a family, or a profile if you an are an au pair, and search for free.  Au pairs can contact host families for free but families need to pay a membership fee.  These are sold in a tiered pricing system with increasing value, the longer the package. The high price of AuPairNet24 does, in some respects, reflect the high quality of the product. For example, some of the cheaper au pair sites do not offer much in terms of profile management and security features. 

The quality of the interface is high, with clean looking quick loading pages, simply laid out for easy access.  Logging in is one simple step and you are taken immediately to your profile page.  From there you can clearly see a choice of tabs on the left allowing you to browse the features at your leisure.  The "My Account" page is your homepage.  This shows your profile including details such as the last date and time of log in, when you joined, your membership status, customer number and telephone password.  The telephone password enables you to change your details by telephone.  This is a security feature that prevents access to personal information by third parties, i.e the re-setting of passwords.  Clearly showing the date and time you last used the site is a helpful feature for other users, when there may be thousands from which to choose.

The "Resources" tab shows perhaps a disappointing list of links, namely "Languages School" and "Country Requirements".  The information on country requirements is crucial for hiring an au pair as it advises you of your legal obligations in terms of visas and other issues and what you should expect from an au pair.  The language schools are listed under Europe and Asia.  The "My Data" tab is where you can input your basic log in information such as name, address, Skype details, gender, date of birth, etc. You can also enter further profile information such as what you are looking for, number of children, if you have pets etc.  These criteria will be used for matching purposes.

With your profile you also get a personal e-mail service.  These e-mails are also forwarded to your inbox.  When signing up, we received 12 e-mails from au pairs across the world interested in coming to London so this shows there are plenty of active members online.  This site produced a lot of e-mail activity but there are settings to change this to your convenience.  Most of the profiles are well completed and well presented with photos, although there are a number without photos.  This site is also used by au pair agencies and if you sign up for premium membership you will have access to these as well.  As well as being able to contact au pairs and use affiliated au pair agencies, premium members also get the added benefit of unlimited number of contacts, get to read applications and see a display of recent visitors to their profile. Why not sign up for free and browse?

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