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Editor's Review:
NannyJob.co.uk is not an agency but they do depend on logo advertising from agencies. People looking for a babysitter can search for carers in their area without having to log on first, which is a great way to see if this is the service for you. This way you can see how many babysitters there are in your area, then you log on to view their full profiles. This is a helpful search tool compared to the other websites in this category because it means you do not have to sift through other types of childcare but can specify babysitting from the start. If you are looking for other types of childcare by the way, this website has a pretty exotic range to search from, catering for pretty much everything from doulas to father's helps and governesses.
If all you need is a babysitter, then the basic search allows you to select "babysitter" and your region. For London, 679 CVs for babysitters came up when reviewing this site which is a healthy figure. You then have the option of reducing this with advanced search criteria. These are county, driver, live in/out, full/part time, temporary/permanent, childcare experience, as a nanny, as a nursery nurse and in other childcare. The CVs are one page long and easy to read. There is a small photograph, and the layout is simple - it all depends on how much the candidate has bothered to fill out. Clicking on a profile opens up a new tab, so you can keep track while looking at more than one at a time and print them out if you want. There appears to be no feature to save selected candidates, though there will be e-mail records sent to you. If you want to contact the candidate you have to pay the advert fee and place a job advert. This is a reasonable rate of £24.99 for 31 days, and may be renewed for that fee for a further 31 days. This way jobs are kept up to date and, because candidates can register for free, there will be lots from which to choose.
Your information pack with the website includes the above features including a specimen contract to help you cover the basics of hiring a babysitter. This is highly advisable and it is important to note that this website does include this feature. There is also a page mentioning maternity rights, i.e. the rights of pregnant women and a list of recommended reading. Presumably this is to do with the responsibilities of employers who use the site to search for babysitters and other types of childcare. The website is clearly laid out, has an appealing fresh look and is not overloaded with advertising or redundant text.
Because of its close connection with childcare agencies, this website would prove a useful resource for childcare providers. There is also a social club for nannies so that they can connect with other childcarers in their area. To do this you need to register with the social club so that others can contact you, look for friends in your area and type in a post code so you can see who is looking in your area, and post a message on the notice board. Having this supportive network shows that Nanny Job is committed to the UK childcare sector and it is also a unique selling point for the website.
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